Let me begin by telling you what this blog post is not. This is NOT me pretending that having your colors done is a magic wand that makes battling cancer any better. What it is though is a tip that could make your fight, or the fight of someone you love, a little easier.
In November 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage Four Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (blood cancer) at 38. I’ll never forget the sheer terror I felt after that phone call from my doctor. I thought I was healthy. I thought I had my entire life ahead of me. My world came to standstill that day.
Over the next six months, I completed 12 chemo treatments. I lost all of my hair, a significant amount of weight (60+ pounds), the use of my thumbs, and my ability to walk unassisted. I didn’t know what the future was going to look like on the other side, but I knew I was going to fight like heck to find out.
One of the hardest parts of a journey like this is when you start to lose yourself. You don’t look like you used to, you certainly don’t feel like you used to, and you frankly don’t have the energy to do anything about it. And THAT’S where color analysis comes in.
I definitely could have fought cancer in black, gray, and olive green (my signature colors pre-color analysis), but as they say, sometimes you have to bring your own sunshine. Wearing my Summer colors became part of my armor. They helped boost my spirits; I could see glimmers of “old Meredith’ when I wore them, and let’s be honest, the compliments didn’t hurt either.
I also worked part-time during chemo and often had Zoom meetings I needed to be on. I was so thankful to be able to throw on our 90 Second Makeup routine (often from bed!) and know that I was work ready. No one expected me to have my camera on, let alone have makeup on, but if you ever want to truly see the transformative power of lipstick, put on that signature shade when you have no hair, no eyelashes, and lifeless skin.
A year later, I’m proud to report that I’m in full remission. I have a killer new hairdo, can open the toughest pickle jar, and am cancer free. I loved wearing my colors before this journey because of how they made me look. I love wearing them now because of how I know they can make me feel.
By House of Colour Stylist, Meredith Hauck
Meredith is a Stylist with the House of Colour Kansas City Team