Ashley Hedden
Elkhorn, NE
Expertly Trained Stylist & Color Analyst

Ashley Hedden

Elkhorn, NE

Ashley Hedden



Finding your most complimentary colors and style will help curate confidence, and allow you to be your best version of YOURSELF!! 

Ashley Hedden

Knowing your best colors will not only give you an instant boost of confidence, it will also help you determine HOW to put your outfits together! When you start shopping in your season, your clothes, jewlery, hair, makeup and accessories all start to harmonize together, giving you a polished look with very little effort! 

Ashley Hedden

STYLE is all about determining the best way to dress your body, express who you are from the inside-out, and showcase your personality! During a style session, you will take home tons of new knowledge specific to YOU! 

Ashley Hedden

Knowing your best makeup colors will be the best investment you can make! Very little makeup, in your right season, will give you a polished and timeless look every time! You can learn more during your color appointment or an advanced makeup class to really take your look to the next level!

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