I am thrilled to be bringing the first House of Colour Franchise to Mississippi! I had never heard of House of Colour until I seen someone on Instagram talking about getting her colors done and she was a winter. I started researching and found the nearest consultant was 150 miles away. Color and style analysis is what I told my husband I wanted for Christmas. My daughter, Jenifer, and I were going to learn what our seasons are and our WOW colors! Unfortunately she got sick. I went anyway and then went back with her. At her appointment I asked questions about becoming a consultant and six months later I am a Franchise owner! Anyone can have their colors done; new moms, moms of teenagers, grandmas and granddads, executives (men or women), pageant participants. Seniors girls and guys for senior portraits and prom. Brides to mothers and fathers of the bride and everyone in between. Let me help you shine in your WOW colors!!